Sunday, November 29, 2009


Prof. Isaac Asimov had an interesting Research about Human Brains. There are some magnificent reviews from this research :
  1. Human Brains has 200 billions cells (as much as the stars in the galaxy)
  2. Human Brains could maintain 100 billions bytes of information (equal with 500 encyclopedias)
  3. The Speed of human thoughts is 300 miles per hour (it is faster than the fastest train in Japan)
  4. Human Brains having more than 100 quintillion link connections (more sophisticated than any newest highest processor in computers)
  5. Human has 4,000 ideas in every 24 hours.
(Resource : REMA, 01/03/2009)

When we read this, do our feeling aroused? When I read this, personally I began to decide a new progress of learning everything which I interest to. Though I have finished my college and being a housewife, I want to maximize my brains' potential. All I have to do is always exercise or stretch my brain by recording and innovating ideas. Because according to the research, these both activities will increase the brains' working capacity, connect the brains' nerves, and even can minimize a senility risk.

May every one of us desires to maximize our most potential brains capacity from now on. Never be satisfy with our growing and then stop grow! You have potential capability than you've ever known..

This research also prove that God as our Creator is exist.
Yes, He's Exist! And He has made His Magnificent Work in us.

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